
Career Test Score - Below 20


 If your career test score is below 20, you’re in a job that is mostly or completely misaligned with your passions and what you     need in a career. This misalignment is likely impacting other aspects of your life, including your general energy level, sense of   well-being, health, and relationships. You dread going to work most days.

 The good news is, you don’t have to stay in this state of misalignment. You can move on to better, greener pastures. To help you   on this journey, check out our book Don’t Dread Monday: A Proven Guide to Your Career SuccessIn it, we outline how to discover your core needs and follow your passion, step-by-step. We promise reading it will yield results and move you towards greater happiness in your career.

While you’re waiting for your book to arrive, read through our blog posts to give you tools and encouragement. We recommend How to Find Happiness in Your CareerCareer Truth #3: It’s About Finding Your Life’s Work, and Four Tasks to Take Control of    Your Career to begin your search.

Career Test Score - Between 21-40


If your Career Test score is between 21 – 40, you are experiencing some ups and some downs in your work life. There are aspects of your job that energize you, but most days your job is just okay. Each day is different—some days you look forward to work, and other days you dread it.

You don’t have to stay in this mediocre career state. With the right resources and guidance, you can begin to experience a happier, more fulfilling career. To help you on this journey, we've developed a comprehensive program for a career change. Offering resume support, self-insight assessments, on-demand training, targeted practice, financial support, and unlimited access to a personal career coach. Our Career Change program has everything you need to escape a mediocre career. You will align your core needs with your passion, and begin to live your life to the fullest. 

While you’re waiting for your first meeting with your career coach, read through our blog posts to give you tools and encouragement. We recommend Escaping a Mediocre CareerHow to Actually Follow Your Passion, and Four Tasks to Take Control of Your Career to begin your search.

Career Test Score - Above 40


If your career test score is between 41 – 50, you are in a role in which your unique needs are being met—you are generally doing what you love. You look forward to going to work; it energizes you. You think about work even when off-the-job. Your job is   getting your full discretionary effort and enhances your quality of life.

This is great news! We love it when people are aligned with their career needs and passionate about what they do. We also      know how difficult it can be to stay in this state consistently. If you ever begin to doubt yourself or your career path, we  recommend signing up for an hour with our Career Coach. A personalized Career Coaching session means real-time guidance      with a highly experienced career coach and the support you need to not only help you remain in your current career state but also help you improve where you need it.

While you’re waiting for your meeting, read through our blog posts to give you tools and encouragement. We recommend Career Myths vs Truths #8: There Are No LimitsFour Tasks to Take Control of Your Career, and Career Truth #3: It’s About Finding Your Life’s Work to begin your search.

No matter where you currently stand in your score, know that you are not alone. Majority of the workforce feel the effects of a job that is misaligned with their passions and/or find it hard to keep it consistent. To help you in your career journey, we’re offering a free 20-minute consultation with a Don't Dread Monday Career Expert. We guarantee that you will find value in even a 20-minute session, so book it now.


Lastly, if you have any questions at all—about Don’t Dread Monday, our philosophy, our programs, our coaches—visit our website or call us toll-free at 800.680.7768.