Don't Dread Monday - A Proven Guide to Your Career Success

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Don't Dread Monday is a pragmatic and powerful guide to a lifetime of career success. Studies have shown that the majority of adults are in the midst of a mediocre career. It is the under-reported dilemma and challenge of our generation. In Don’t Dread Monday, you will apply proven principles surfaced by the relatively few who have "cracked-the-code" and built a fantastic career. The book exposes common career myths and corresponding truths, surfaces the reader's unique passionate core needs, and outlines the path forward in the CARE Cycle for career success. Don't Dread Monday can change your career, and even your life.

A Path to Success

Don’t Dread Monday is organized around a four-phased path to sustained career success, as represented by the CARE Model. These phases build upon each other and are prescriptive in nature—they form a step-by-step approach to align your career needs, choices, and actions to generate the career that fits you. The CARE cycle is a common framework, but the answers are unique to each individual. In our experience, there is no shortcut. We recommend that you trust the process and do the work.

Challenge and Change

In this phase, you assess your current level of career success and highlight the pervasive career myths that may be limiting you. You will also review the corresponding truths upon which career success is built.

Awareness of Self

This second phase is critical in setting the foundation for career success. In this phase, you identify your unique passions and career needs.

Reveal the Path

In this third phase, you review your career options and make a clear choice, setting your career in motion. You will then turn your self-insight into a career declaration.


This is the culmination of the knowledge you’ve gained and decisions you’ve made in the previous three stages. You create a deliberate career strategy by applying the Reframe, Refine, and Retrench Model and four practices for shaping your career.

For more details, send us a message or call us toll-free at 1-800-680-7768.


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